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Maps of Middle Earth

Explore the enchanting realms of Middle-earth with this collection of detailed maps. Journey from the peaceful Shire, through the dark depths of Moria, to the ominous lands of Mordor, and the ancient region of Beleriand. Each map unveils the intricate landscapes that frame the epic tales of Tolkien's world.

At the end of a page is a listing of all the maps on this wiki.

Map of middle earth

Map of Middle-earth.Map of Middle-earth.
The map showcases prominent regions such as the Shire, the homeland of the Hobbits; Rivendell, the refuge of the Elves; Mordor, the realm of the dark lord Sauron; and many others.
Key features include the Misty Mountains, a major mountain range; the forest of Lothlórien, home to Galadriel; and Gondor, a major kingdom of Men.

The map is essential for understanding the epic journeys undertaken by the characters, providing a visual representation of the setting's complexity and the vast distances traveled.
It also includes oceans, rivers, and various islands, adding to the depth of Tolkien's world-building. Middle-earth's geography plays a crucial role in the narrative, influencing the story's events and the interactions between its diverse inhabitants.

For more detail, there is also the annotated version of the map

Map of the shire

Map of the Shire. a.k.a. "A part of the shire"Map of the Shire. a.k.a. "A part of the shire"
The map of "A Part of the Shire" unveils a rich tapestry of Middle-earth beyond mere plot essentials, marking twenty-one towns and villages, and hinting at five more Shire locations plus Bree through arrows.

It details the full paths of the Stock-brook, Thistle Brook, Shirebourn River, segments of The Water, Withywindle, Brandywine, and a stream leading to Bywater Pool. The expansive Woody End, portions of Bindbole Wood, and the Old Forest are depicted, enhancing the geographical context.

Villages are represented as small black squares and rectangles, suggesting their size but not precise layouts. Tolkien's correspondence highlighted the map's limitation to about 30 place names, hinting at a much richer geography in his vision, though a comprehensive map of the Shire remains unpublished.

Thror's map

Thror's mapThror's map
Given to Thorin Oakenshield by Gandalf, it plays a pivotal role in the quest to reclaim the dwarves' homeland from tSmaug.

The map includes secret moon letters, visible only under specific lunar conditions, revealing the location of a hidden side door into the mountain. This door is crucial for the party's stealthy entry into Erebor.

The map's intricate details and hidden messages encapsulate the blend of mystery and adventure central to Tolkien's Middle-earth narratives.

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